Please go to EasyChair to submit your paper. Paper submission dates are June 1st-July 21st, 2024.
Regular papers up to a maximum length of eight 8.5” x 11” pages (including tables, figures,
and references) in standard two-column IEEE format are solicited. Accepted and presented
papers can be published in the conference proceedings. Authors of accepted and
presented papers are required to submit the final manuscript (in the same format as above)
before the final paper deadline. The conference proceedings will be made available on IEEE
Xplore. The papers must report original work that is not under consideration for
presentation at other conferences or publication in other journals.
Invited speakers have the option to, but are not required to, upload a paper by the final
paper deadline. An abstract needs to be submitted on the portal before the submission
deadline. For the final paper upload, all guidelines for regular papers apply, including
those on the format, deadline, and originality of work. These papers will be included in the
conference proceedings and will be made available on IEEE Xplore.
**FINAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Final versions of papers to be presented at the conference are required to be submitted electronically by Sunday, September 29, 2024, 11:59 p.m. PDT in order to appear in the Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore.
***FINAL MANUSCRIPTS are *not* automatically generated from your original submission, and it is the author’s responsibility to upload both the initial and final manuscript along with the IEEE standard copyright form.
Paper Submissions Contact: